6 Top Emotional Intelligence skills to improve remote work

Let’s be honest, we all wanted to work remotely. We have been voting for the four-day work week, we’ve been asking for reduced hours and expecting the flexible schedules. Now we got it all! Unexpectedly, suddenly and all at once without any programs or policies to be in place. There is a lot of pressure with extra challenges due to the rapidly changing circumstances, but you can take it as a great opportunity to prove you can work under minimum supervision and still achieve goals while not being physically present at work.

Remote work is about discipline and self-control.

1.       Assertiveness

Keep Morning Rituals. Either you are in 5 AM Club or almost-always-late, you still have to get up and get dressed. Start as usual if not earlier. Now you do not have to spend time on the commute – use it as an opportunity to jump into your day 30 min before usual and get ahead of the game. Assertiveness will help to set up your routine exactly as if you would leave your home to work, but only instead of putting the shoes on – move to your new home office.

2.       Independence

Schedule Your Day. Tackle big tasks in the morning, use the Pareto Principle and prioritize your day. If you are a visual person – you might want to schedule blocks of uninterrupted work to your calendar to easily cross-check if your planning is aligned with the goals you have to achieve this week. You might choose to book most of the online meetings and conference calls for the first half of the day and then dedicate the other half for more quiet and focused work.

3.       Reality Testing

Eliminate Distraction. They say three main sources to disrupt productive day at home would be the TV, the bed and the fridge. Now we can easily add kids who stay at home due to schools/daycares being closed and family/friend who wants to chat about global panic. You might want to establish clear boundaries in terms of your availability. The fact that you are not physically going to the office does not mean you are accessible at any time; you are still working and your work space and work schedule have to be respected.

4.       Emotional Self-Awareness

Set Regular Breaks. The simplest way to reset your brain and avoid burnout is to take care of yourself. Set your timer for short 10 min breaks for each hour of productive work or once the task is completed. Get your blood moving by quick work-out session, listening to your favorite podcast or maybe saying “hi” to your roommate who might be also working remotely these days. The beauty of work from home lies in the opportunity to follow up on personal chores or house duties during this short pit stops, so once the business day is over – you have more time to enjoy with your family or to relax and have some me-time.

5.       Interpersonal Relationships

Over Communicate. Two reasons for oversharing: first, you want to keep human connection; second – we need to make sure the job is done. Now you will not be bumping into each other in the parking lot or having coffee chit chats, so take full advantage of technologies and your smartphone. Use Skype, Viber, What’s Up, Microsoft Team, etc for online meetings and conference calls. Keep all files updated, so other departments can use the most recent information and proceed with their obligations. Frequent communication allows your team to provide help if you are stuck with any task you might have as well as it creates a connection within the group that we all are in the same boat.

6.       Optimism

Keep it positive. Study shows that “stress hormone” cortisol tends to be more stable in people with a positive outlook. Despite this overwhelming situation was not planned, flip it in your mind as an exciting possibility to showcase your leadership and proactive skills. Embrace your positive life approach and demonstrate your readiness to help your clients and co-workers during these tough times. Some individuals will remain cool and proceed with regular business, some will overreact and will seek more assistance. By remaining optimistic you will be contributing to the positive atmosphere not just in your company, but in the community overall.

It is a test to see if you can keep yourself accountable and stay calm in uncertainties.

There is no doubt that intellect works best when accompanied by high Emotional Intelligence. Vibrant Rising™ Programs support corporate teams, groups and individuals to rise vibrantly into their lives using Emotional Intelligence Training and coaching. If you are ready for a personalized and powerful journey that is mindfully designed for you then you will love the Vibrant Rising Private Coaching Program.

Ready to make shifts so you can work, live, and play abundantly?


Million Ways to Help… or How to Stand Up & Take an Action.


Emotional Self-Awareness as a tool to prevent burnout.