How to Apply Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Stop complaining! It is not just you who has problems, busy life, to-do list, deadline, alarm, spilled coffee, annoying colleague and crazy landlord. But it is absolutely up to you how to learn from the obstacles and put yourself on the map of success and confidence.

"When obstacles arise – you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there." - Zig Ziglar

The researchers from Florida State University, led by psychologists Dr. Jean-Charles Lebeau, recently ran a study to discover the effects of how goal success and goal failure reflects on the performance. His team revealed that overcoming obstacles is an essential part in your game. While failure in a task directly impacts your emotional state, it does not affect dramatically the result. Great news – since you are in charge of how to perceive the emotions, then execution of your plan lies solely within your power to influence it!

Let’s explore the ways how to move from a victim state to a state full of progress and accomplishments.

  1. Find the Strength in You – always start with yourself. The first step is to understand your reality in terms of emotions. Steven J. Stein, Ph.D. and Howard E Book, MD. define Emotional Self-Awareness as the ability to recognize your feelings, differentiate between them, know why you are feeling those feelings and recognize the impact your feelings have on others around you. Once you separate emotions - think about your strong skills and what can be achieved just with those. Then re-evaluate what you do not have and survey how you can outsource it. You do not have to do the whole project yourself – it is a matter of getting the team together.

  2. Develop a Plan and a Schedule – no matter how big and terrifying the obstacle is – separate it into smaller pieces and plan how to defeat each separately. The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, says the tasks that deliver the greatest results with the least effort should be completed first. Now, add the plan to the calendar and identify the milestones. In project management, a milestone is described as an important achievement on your way to reaching your goals. The more reasonable milestone is – the easier it will be for you to move along at a decent pace and prevent stress.

  3. Focus – more than 90 % of people identify a lack of focus as their biggest obstacle of success. McKinsey, American management consulting firm finds that multitasking and interrupted work can add up to a 40% productivity loss. Nothing can be compared to a moment of full emerging into your project, combined with the enjoyment of the specific activity. Find your own flow and allow yourself to schedule windows of two to four hours for deep work to cultivate the environment of higher achievements.

  4. Breath In… Breath Out – set your priorities straight and roll up your sleeves. Both procrastination and avoidance can have a negative impact, so practice to cultivate resilience daily. Use mindful practices to help your brain to be rewired and enjoy a positive mindset as a default. Meditation is the best way to make your busy mind free and balanced.

  5. Stay Positive! Give yourself permission not to be perfect. No judgment, no blame, no shame. If you notice negative self-talk – simply acknowledge it and let go. Encourage that little inner voice to promote compassion and empathy instead of discouragement and sadness. According to Breines and Chen, self-compassion increases motivation and can improve things like personal weakness and depression. Treat yourself with understanding and kindness – this will help to face your challenges in a healthier way.

When I face the obstacle, I convince myself - it is just a puzzle to be solved. This strategy helps to engage my emotional intelligence skills and explore the solutions versus getting into complaining mode.

There is no doubt that intellect works best when accompanied by high Emotional Intelligence. Vibrant Rising™ Programs support corporate teams, groups and individuals to rise vibrantly into their lives using Emotional Intelligence Training and coaching. If you are ready for a personalized and powerful journey that is mindfully designed for you then you will love the Vibrant Rising Private Coaching Program.

Ready to make shifts so you can work, live, and play abundantly?


Emotional Self-Awareness as a tool to prevent burnout.


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